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Whenever you write to Dr. Hymers always tell him what country you live in, or he cannot answer you. Dr. Hymers’ e-mail is


Excerpts from an article by Don Boys, Ph.D.
May 30, 2018

Recently, my wife and I flew to Los Angeles at the invitation of a famous Fundamentalist, Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr., pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles. Dr. Hymers has long been a critic of unbelief at his alma mater, the major west coast Southern Baptist Seminary – Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (now Gateway Seminary), Fuller Seminary, and other educational institutions. In Hollywood, he has also raised the flag of decency to which reasonable people could rally.

Like most Fundamentalists, Dr. Hymers and his church leaders realize they are there to serve, not to be served. The servant heart is shown throughout their ministry and especially in their desire to reach the world. The church has an extensive website that provides the sermons of the pastor and others in 39 languages (video and transcribed!). Missionary pastors around the world can get help in sermon preparation in their own language by accessing The work and cost to the church is enormous but it’s all about giving to others.

I was invited to be one of the speakers during the weekend celebration for his 60th anniversary of his ministry. Pastor Hymers did not question my wife’s presence even though she did not participate in the programs. Moreover, he offered to fly us first class but I demurred since I would not spend my own money in that way, I would not spend the church’s money that way.

It was a few days to be long remembered. First of all, I was honored to celebrate such a lengthy time of service in a day when people don’t stay at anything very long. Dr. Hymers started the church located in downtown Los Angeles which in itself is unusual. Most churches flee to the suburbs since there are so many problems in the inner city. The church owns a very nice building in the middle of the city!

The pastor and people could not have been kinder or more generous to us. They lodged us in a very expensive hotel in a very large room. The meals were first class like the luxury accommodations. We were driven by Dr. Christopher Cagan, an associate pastor who has two earned doctorates, and Dr. Hymers has three earned doctorates. Another driver was a financial advisor with many prestigious clients. I was shocked and somewhat humbled that such men would take time to move us from point A to point B. And with kindness and a willing attitude. Can these be Fundamentalists? And Fundamentalists sans horns!

Moreover, there were many other active church members who were medical doctors and other professions, all with a desire to be a help to make our days very special. One of the medical doctors is also an assistant pastor. No one seemed to be a “big time operator” or BTO, but simply Christian servants with a desire to serve. Religious leaders who are impressed with themselves and insist on BTO treatment are wearisome, boring, and a disgrace to the noble calling of ministry.

So, those Fundamentalists didn’t seem to meet the image, propagated by some media and liberal religious groups, of being uneducated wingnuts who bring a bag of rattlesnakes to church each Sunday!

Furthermore, the congregation of about 300 consisted of about 50% from Asian countries and many from various Latin American countries. The remaining were Blacks and Whites. All seemed to be happy, excited Christians. None seemed to meet the mold of White Supremacists, hater, or bigot. I do think I saw a man with a MAGA hat! Could he be a latent hater? After all, if he supports President Trump, surely he is suspect.

Fundamentalists are very generous with their money as well as time. Most teach that every Christian should give at least ten percent of his or her income to the church to meet obligations such as salaries, building payments (if any), utilities, help for the poor, and world missions.

I was in a Florida church of about 400 members recently that gives about $200,000 annually to support missionaries all over the world. That includes financial assistance to missionary church builders, orphanages, medical clinics, radio ministries, prison ministries, bicycles for mission workers, and support for the poor among them.

The closing service in Los Angeles was a big banquet at the Nixon Library where we each enjoyed a $70.00 meal! Every member and guest was given a copy of Dr. Hymers new autobiography, Against all Fears. At that time, an offering was received of $3,200.00 for a ministry that works with those Christians who are working and suffering under tyrannical regimes across the globe.

I was shocked when I was given a very generous honorarium and considering the size of the church and the huge expense to get us there, lodge, and feed us, it was the largest honorarium I have received.

For sure the Los Angeles Fundamentalists do things right. The members ended the meeting giving the pastor a massive check in honor of sixty years in the ministry.

He deserved every dollar of it. And at 77 years of age and a cancer survivor, he plans to start another inner-city church next year in Los Angeles!

These Fundamentalists in Los Angeles prove that real Christianity produces good fruit, not religious nuts.

WHEN YOU WRITE TO DR. HYMERS YOU MUST TELL HIM WHAT COUNTRY YOU ARE WRITING FROM OR HE CANNOT ANSWER YOUR E-MAIL. If these sermons bless you send an e-mail to Dr. Hymers and tell him, but always include what country you are writing from. Dr. Hymers’ e-mail is at (click here). You can write to Dr. Hymers in any language, but write in English if you can. If you want to write to Dr. Hymers by postal mail, his address is P.O. Box 15308, Los Angeles, CA 90015. You may telephone him at (818)352-0452.

You can read Dr. Hymers' sermons each week on the Internet
Click on “Sermon Manuscripts.”

These sermon manuscripts are not copyrighted. You may use them without Dr. Hymers’
permission. However, all of Dr. Hymers’ video messages, and all other sermons on video
from our church, are copyrighted and can only be used by permission.