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A sermon written by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.
and preached by Mr. Timothy Chan
at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles
Lord’s Day Morning, October 8, 2017

Please stand. Now I want you to turn in the Bible to Amos, chapter four. It’s on page 936 in the Scofield Study Bible. I’m going to read verses 7 to 12. Amos four, verse seven (reads them). Now notice the last five words of verse 12. That is my text this morning.

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).

You may be seated.

In the days of the prophet Amos God judged Israel in several ways. God held back the rain. He judged them by famine. He sent forth pestilences. He smote their fields and gardens with blasting and mildew. He judged them by the sword. He overthrew some of them as He did Sodom and Gomorrah. But they did not repent before God. They went on rebelling against Him. At last God said that He would not send any more prophets as His messengers. Instead of sending prophets, God said that He would come to judge them Himself.

God’s way of dealing with rebellious men and nations is, at first, to persuade them tenderly, with soft and gentle words. He repeats these many times. But after a time God begins to threaten them. He says to them “Why will you die? Why will you bring ruin upon yourselves?” If these words have no effect on them He begins to send harsher judgments. They will be somewhat soft at first. But gradually the judgments will become harder and harder to bear. In the end, God judges them with the blows of a cruel Master. God begins by sending prophets to warn them – and ends by fighting against them with all His majesty and power.

It seems to me that we are moving toward the later phases of God’s judgment on America. He has sent prophetic voices like Tozer, Ravenhill, Schaeffer, and others. But we did not hear them. We did not repent as a nation. Now God sends monster hurricanes and unnatural tornadoes in unheard-of numbers. God destroyed Puerto Rico! God destroyed Texas! God destroyed Florida! And California is next. The monster earthquake is coming! But don’t expect the liberal news media to warn you. They won’t warn you until it is too late! In the meantime, God has judged America by loosing hordes of demons on our young people – Demons are driving them into drugs, alcohol, endless violent video games and pornography. Some become so demonized through the drugs, and through the violence on TV and in the movies, that they go into schools and theaters and shoot others at random. Make no mistake here – these are judgments from God that we have never seen before. Mrs. Clinton tells us all we have to do is get rid of people’s guns. But she is wrong! The other night a commentator on Fox News said that 70 percent of the American people are now taking mind altering drugs! Think of it – 70 percent! A few nights ago, a man in Las Vegas opened fire at a concert. He killed 58 people! My own co-worker – an attorney – was there at that concert. His office is just a few steps from mine. The shooting started, and he had to run for his life! He climbed a fence just to escape. Getting rid of high powered guns will not end the violence. Getting rid of guns will not stop demon-energized people like that from going crazy! They’ll use home-made pipe bombs, clubs, Molotov cocktails, knives, rocks and torches! Kids that are full of drugs and movie and TV violence don’t need guns to cause riots and burn down houses! Getting rid of high powered guns will not stop the violence! Why? Because it is a judgment from God, that’s why! Unless this nation repents and starts going to Bible-believing churches every Sunday the violence will not end! It will grow worse and worse until there is total anarchy that can only be stopped by martial law led by a dictator. That’s where all this is going to go, you know! Seventy percent of adults on drugs! Kids without a conscience! Violence, bloodshed, and anarchy! And the coming of a police state! Oh, yes! A police state is coming – under the Antichrist. Read the Book of Revelation. Dr. Carl F. H. Henry gave a prophetic warning when he said, “The barbarians are coming...Savages are stirring the dust of a decadent civilization and already slink in the shadows of a disabled church” (Carl F. H. Henry, Th.D., Ph.D., Twilight of a Great Civilization, Crossway Books, 1988, pp. 16, 17).

Back to the prophet Amos. If the sinner will not hear the warnings – if he goes on in rebellion, even as more judgments fall – at last God says that He will completely overthrow the sinner. They have scorned the milder judgments of God, and now He says to the sinner, “Prepare to meet me, even God Himself, in all the terror of my almighty wrath and judgment.”

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).

As it stands, the text is an awful threat of the wrath and judgment of an angry God. When the Gospel is rejected, and sinners mock the mercy of God, then His mighty arm comes crashing down with fearful vengeance. Woe! woe! woe! to the proud and boastful scoffer in that terrible day! Hugh Hefner was a millionaire. He published Playboy Magazine. His parents were Christians. But Hugh Hefner turned away from God. He made money from selling pornography. He died a few days ago. But he was not prepared. This morning he is burning in the flames of Hell. Death will come to you also, perhaps sooner than you think. Perhaps tonight.

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).

I have something very serious to say to you about that if you are not a Christian. Before long you will have to meet God. Listen to the words, “meet your God.” Somehow you have been living in this world without meeting Him. He is everywhere, but you have not known it. You are like Jacob when he said,

“Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not” (Genesis 28:16).

Somehow you have muffled the voice of God in your conscience. You have suppressed your heart-feelings so you have no awareness of sin. You have smothered your heart so you do not perceive Him. But you will meet Him soon. When the flesh falls off of your spirit, your disembodied soul will see far more clearly than it does now. You will begin to see the spiritual world, which is hidden from you now. Then you will suddenly meet your God. Now some of you say in your heart, “There is no God.” The thought of God interfering with your life and your plans is something you don’t want to deal with now. You could not commit some of the sins you do now if you thought that the all-seeing eyes of God could see you. But He does see you – at all times. And He sees the thoughts in your mind too. Now you can put away thoughts of God seeing you. But one of these days you will meet God face to face. In the hour of your death you will be forced to meet God.

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).

You will meet face to face with God – the God who knows your every secret sin, and your every secret thought – the God who knows your evil thoughts and your sinful heart. That is the God you will meet face to face on the day of your judgment. You will then know that He is a God of judgment – a God who judges sin. But it will be too late then. When you meet God in the day of your death your destiny will already have been determined. There is no way for a dead man to go back, trust Jesus and be cleansed from sin by His Blood. After you are dead it is everlastingly too late to be saved!

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).

How can you be prepared to meet God? What can you do to prepare? The only way to prepare to meet Him is to admit you are a sinner now. There is no use of trying to hide your sins from Him. He knows all about your sin right now. There’s no use to try to hide it or make excuses for it. He sees what you do at night. He sees what you look at on the computer. He sees the ugly jealousy and evil thoughts in your heart. You must confess your sin to Him now, while there is still time to have your sins cleansed by Jesus’ Blood.

Yes, cleansed by Jesus – the Son of God. That is why Jesus came down from Heaven and died on the Cross – to pay for your sins. That is why Jesus shed His Blood on the Cross – so your sins could be washed clean! Christ died in your place, to pay the penalty for your sin. Christ died a “vicarious” death on the Cross – one person (Christ) dying in your place – to pay the penalty for your sin. All God asks you to do is trust Jesus. When you trust Jesus your sin is washed away by Christ’s Blood.

John Sung came to the United States from China to study medicine and theology. At least that’s what he told his father, who was a pastor. But he got sidetracked. He got his Ph.D. in chemistry instead. He was the first Chinese boy to earn a Ph.D. in the United States. But his heart got farther and farther away from God. He started chanting Buddhist prayers and reading the Tao Te Ching of Taoism. He lost all contact with God while he was in New York City. Then one night he went to the First Baptist Church of New York. A teenage girl gave her testimony of how Jesus saved her, and cleansed her sin with His Blood. John Sung went back to his dormitory. Late that night he confessed his sins in detail to God. Then he imagined Jesus hanging on the Cross. He got as close as he could, and felt showered by the Blood of Jesus. He came out of that experience a new man. He was cleansed from sin by the Blood of Jesus Christ. He had trusted Jesus. He was born again. “Prepare to meet thy God.” Yes, Dr. John Sung prepared to meet God that night when he trusted Jesus and was cleansed and pardoned by the Saviour’s Blood.

Mr. Griffith is going to sing that old song again, “When I See the Blood.” When God looks at you now, He sees your sin. But after you trust Jesus, when God looks at you, all He sees is Jesus’ Blood. God’s judgment passes over you because the Blood of Jesus has cleansed you from every sin, and God cannot see your sin once you repent and trust Jesus. I like the third stanza of that old hymn Mr. Griffith sang,

Judgment is coming, all will be there,
   Each one receiving justly his due;
Hide in the saving, sin-cleansing blood,
   And God will pass, will pass over you.
When God sees the blood, When God sees the blood,
   When God sees the blood, He will pass, He will pass over you.
(“When I See the Blood” by John Foote, 19th century).

Come and sing that stanza, Mr. Griffith. Now, he’s going to sing it again. While he sings it this time, if you are not yet saved, I want you to get out of your seat and come sit on these green pads. Dr. Cagan will come and pray with you, and explain more about becoming a real Christian. Go now while Mr. Griffith sings that hymn again.

Judgment is coming, all will be there,
   Each one receiving justly his due;
Hide in the saving, sin-cleansing blood,
   And I will pass, will pass over you.
When I see the blood, When I see the blood,
   When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you.

Dr. Chan, please come and pray for those who have responded. Amen.

Solo Sung Before the Sermon by Mr. Benjamin Kincaid Griffith:
“When I See the Blood” (by John Foote, 19th century).